Ultimate Victory

Ultimate Victory

Ultimate Victory

Do this, knowing that this is a critical time. It is already the hour for you to awaken from your
sleep; for our salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed (Romans 13:11 AMP).

Many would agree that the world is changing right before our eyes. However, it is critical for
believers to remember that we are not exempt from the darkness and to recognize the spiritual metaphor of what is happening today. God is in control, and judgment is fast approaching. Are you or will you be among those with the ultimate victory?

Root cause analysis: Blessed is the person who remains steadfast under trial and perseveres
when tempted, for when they have passed the test and been approved, they will receive the
crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him (James 1:12, AMP).

Are you in line to receive your crown? We should answer “yes” immediately, but many of us
ponder. Why? Let’s analyze! What is the root issue? Some questions to consider… Is your ego
getting in the way? According to psychoanalytic theory, activities of the ego include the
perception of the world, self-awareness, problem-solving, adaptation to reality, control of motor functions, memory, and regulation of effect. This begs the question, “are you in your own way”? Do you struggle with “your intelligence” deciding what to do versus listening to that “still small voice”? Did it ever occur to you that your reasoning is vulnerable to being controlled by your senses, flesh, and prior experiences? The struggle is real! Your flesh tends to avoid the unknown, hindering the GRACE that may be experienced in uncomfortable situations and creating the perfect atmosphere to interfere with your ultimate victory.

Solution: Victory is mine! Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart. And do
not rely on your insight or understanding. In all ways, know and acknowledge and recognize
Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth (Proverbs 3:5,6).

God wanted Elijah to listen to Him through a gentle whisper. He aimed to meet his needs, order his steps, and direct his path (1 Kings 19:11-13). Position yourself to receive the promises of God. Pray and decree that the Lord will order your steps. And remember, believers are victorious while the world is in trouble due to God’s wrath. Jesus Christ paid the price for us with His own blood. He suffered the wrath of God for us. Your battle is already won! He promised us the Holy Spirit. Have you made room? Allow the Holy Spirit to take up residence in your temple. Pray without ceasing, and remember you don’t always have to be on your knees. You are in a constant state of making decisions and processing thoughts. Assure that the Lord is in the midst. Listen to that still, small voice! Praise and worship the Lord at all times!

Father God, help us to let our light shine and censor any association with potential evil. Our end goal is to achieve the ultimate victory and receive our crown!

1 Comment

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