Men, Close the Gate to Your Past!

Shifting the Atmosphere- Making the Decision to Live in the Fullness of Mind, Body and Spirit Lakeeya Brown

Men, Close the Gate to Your Past!

Many of us, as men, often believe that living a Christian life or following Jesus Christ sounds too good to be true. In our current situations or lifestyles, we might think that God saves others, but surely, He won’t save us; we’re not the perfect ones acceptable to God.

But men, God doesn’t want you or me to believe that He doesn’t desire us. On the contrary, He wants us (men) to know that He accepted us before birth, just as we are right now! So, where is the guarantee of this statement that God wants us to know He has accepted us?

The assurance that God has accepted all of us, even in our shattered state, is written throughout Scripture. It’s a truth you’ve heard a thousand times – “Scriptures are God’s covenant with us.” In the Scriptures, God’s promises are clearly articulated, especially when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Through this acceptance, we are directly connected to His Father, and now, He is our Heavenly Father.

Jesus said, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37 NKJV). This powerful declaration is one of the most reassuring Scriptures in the Bible. In times of internal insecurity, when we feel we’ve fallen short of Jesus Christ’s expectations, John 6:37 encourages and reinforces hope. It empowers us to stand firm in our situations without losing
balance or wavering in our faith. This Scripture encourages you to seek answers, development, and spiritual growth by connecting with your local church and its men’s ministry.

The Connect Ministry at Truth Revealed helps you assimilate with the body of believers. The Abishai Inspired Men (AIM) Ministry surrounds you with men who honor fathers, build brothers, and mentor sons. The Discipleship Ministry reinforces Scriptures of Assurance, revealing God’s acceptance of us: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith; and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). After assimilation, TRIMNation opens up 30 other ministries where you’ll begin to feel a sense of belonging, serenity, and peace through Jesus Christ.

Gone is any fear of divine judgment, and your past remains in the past. There is now an assurance that you are not subject to the wrath of God; you no longer fear Him. Instead, you feel profound gratitude, defying verbalization, because of the inner peace of soul and mind. Paul simplifies it, yet accurately: “Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).

God desires all of us to feel accepted. “That is why He has given us His assurance, through His Word, Spirit, and work in our lives, that indeed He has accepted us for all eternity.” Our Bishop, Merton L. Clark, teaches that everything God offers us, we have in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is our Wisdom; He is our justification, sanctification, and redemption. Men, connect with Bishop Merton L. Clark and the Abishai Inspired Men (AIM) Ministry today. AIM currently meets in person and live in the AIM Men’s Ministry Facebook Group every second Saturday of each month at 9:00am. For additional information, call Truth Revealed Int’l Ministries at 321-952-5151.

Men, Do Not Look Back!

My name is Johnie S. Stevens, and I am an Abishai Inspired Man.


  1. I always come away from your articles feeling more informed. Thank you.

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