Glance Backward Move Forward

Glance Backward Move Forward

Glance Backward Move Forward

Our journey in life takes us through twists, turns, mountains, and valleys, shaping us inside and out, whether we hide it or display it openly. Concealing our true selves only reveals another facet, sometimes misunderstood because the authentic picture remains obscured.

Over the past years, my journey has deepened my understanding that people, knowingly or
unknowingly, influence others with their views. This influence can divert some from the path
and the future God has called them to. Knowing our calling is crucial to our future; otherwise,
we risk missing God’s plan or His timing.

During the time that COVID-19 kept me indoors, I had more time for reflection. I made a list of
my past and present activities, then another list of my God-given desires, hopes, and dreams.
Comparing both lists, I realized that some of my actions did not align with the desires God had
placed in me. Reflecting on this, I noticed a lack of inner joy and peace during certain activities. This became evident one morning as I greeted couples entering the church for our next Marriage Enrichment Ministry (MEM) session. The joy I felt was palpable. Greeting and interacting with people, I experienced a joy that had been absent for a while. It was a pleasure to connect with couples, knowing the potential for transformation if they attended.

Psalms 19:7-8 reminds us, “The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul… The
commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living.”

One of my desires is to help people discover their God-given gifts. As God has called me, I must allow His Holy Spirit to work in me to accomplish His will. Keeping in close contact with God, I must follow His path with my eyes wide open, not my plans or desires.

I won’t let failure in one area dominate other aspects of my life. Fearing failure is not an option; I must act, and if I fail, I’ll ask God to redirect me.

I won’t shy away from seeking help from those who have gone before me. If they say no, I may
not have asked the right person. I’ll keep asking until someone says YES!

God has already granted me success. Why not move and see what it looks like?

I pray that these words encourage someone to continue or move forward into what God has
placed in them.

Strive to hear the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in
handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities” (Matthew

Let’s celebrate together!


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