Brand New

Shifting the Atmosphere- Making the Decision to Live in the Fullness of Mind, Body and Spirit Lakeeya Brown

“Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new.”- 2 Corinthians 5:17

Your adversary, the devil, would like nothing more than to convince you that you haven’t changed or grown and that your situation will never get any better. Be encouraged, my friend; you aren’t half-stepping – you’re
stepping into wholeness!

You have changed because you’ve allowed the Holy Spirit to work within you, a process that God says will continue until Jesus Christ returns. As you submit to the Holy Spirit, His voice will become louder and clearer. You won’t be confused, nor will you fret or worry about making a wrong choice. You will be confident in all things because you know doubtlessly that your Father has gone before you to clear the way. He is at your side and even carrying you through the trials and tribulations. He watches your back because He is your Daddy and protector.

You are growing in Christ each day as your mind is renewed. You are cleansed and completed every time you read a verse in the Bible. His instructions cleanse and complete you. Where you were once fearful, remember that fear is from the enemy. It’s his intent to trip you up, lest you forget that God gives power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). The father of lies wants nothing more than to have you stuck in your old frame of mind, but remember – old things have passed away, and you are NEW. A new mind, new habits, new behavior, new attitude – guaranteed if you follow God’s plan for your life. Don’t follow the way of the world. Don’t try to fit in. Behold, He is doing a new thing, springing forth, and that new thing says you will be transformed for the better and into the image of the Son. Hallelujah!

We have a perfect example to follow in Jesus Christ. He washed feet, healed the sick, mended hearts, raised the dead, and forgave seemingly unforgivable sins. Before His Heavenly ascension, Jesus told the disciples that it was necessary for Him to go in anticipation of receiving the Holy Spirit. He instructed them to travel
near and far to make disciples and baptize them as well. He left them with responsibility and a mission. As a disciple of Christ, you too have been given the same powers as Jesus. In fact, Jesus actually said, “we would do greater works than Him” (John 14:12). By faith, we should exemplify to others the characteristics and mindset of Christ that made Him say as a young boy, that He had to “be about His Father’s business.” Jesus had work to do and spent His short 33 years showing us that He lived and died doing what He saw His Father do. He showed us the way, truth, and life.

You and I are lights sitting upon a hilltop showing lost sheep the way. We are the salt of the Earth, standing out and refusing to conform to the bland darkness of a misguided world. We are whole in Christ! God saw us in our weakness and bestowed upon us mercy and grace. When we are at our weakest, this is when God is
strongest because we have completely died to self, and He can be glorified in the highest. He loves us unconditionally, knowing everything about us and still choosing to call us His children. We can walk by faith regardless of what the natural eyes see when we allow the Lord to order our steps, accept that although the past cannot be changed, there is hope, and acknowledge that in Christ, we have a complete and whole future with Him.