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By Stephanie Murrell

Truth Revealed Blog

From as early as Elementary school, our fellow peers will tend to “pick” on or make fun of the less popular, or different individuals.  There’s much pressure to look a certain way, “fit in”, “be cool,” or be seen as a part of the “in crowd.” Many of these possible rejections that one can face will tend to take a toll on one’s self esteem. Their personal self-worth can possibly become ruined, or extremely damaged.

Many will search for ways to become acceptable to the world, just so they can be accepted like those they see around them. There are even all types of physical reconstruction that many will go through to really begin to work on the exterior frame, and cause it to be more appealing to the naked eye, since  everyone around us has this unwritten law as to what is deemed as “Beauty.”

Stephanie Murrell
Stephanie Murrell

While it may be good to work on things that have to do with our physical make-up so that we may become healthier, there’s something that each of us should know about our lives and existence. There’s a “hidden treasure” inside each of us that longs to be fulfilled. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. II Corinthians 4:7 NLT

It’s easy to get sidetracked, and focus on things that won’t last, or lose sight of the fact that we’re only around for a certain amount of time. But we must know that we each have something special that God placed within us. He has made us in His image, and we have His Spirit, along with a measure of faith that will be with us always. Once we know our worth, and know who we are in Christ’s love, this will diminish any attack on your self-worth. It is comforting to know the unconditional love of the Father, which stays with us, even when we’ve made mistakes or failures. God loves us with a perfect love that will never judge us based on our outer appearance, but only the true intents of our hearts.

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old stuff no longer has control over us, which may have consumed our lives, and was of no value. They have passed away, and everything is new. No physical reconstruction needed! God is Sovereign and faithful to give us a new way of life, and He even refreshes our appearance with god like qualities.

So while it can become a burden to fit in, or be accepted, we can all take comfort in knowing that we are exactly the way we should be, and God has purpose for each of our lives. Once we have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior into our lives, we are a new creation.